Integrity / Accountability Coaching
Freedom of choice comes from living a life focused on making commitments to self and others, and then keeping those commitments, for example:
- living in alignment with who you are
- being a “man of your word”
- increasing the frequency of authenticity in your life.

Breakthrough Coaching
Supporting you in getting out of the box, busting through habits or leaping over hurdles and taking powerful action: on a creative project, in a relationship, towards a new career or…

Empowerment Coaching
Supporting you in finding your voice in challenging situations, speaking truth to power or feeling confident in saying the things that you used to fear would rock the boat.

Self-Love / Self-Care Coaching
Supporting you in creating and devoting yourself to your self-care regimens/rituals for the benefit of your health, your relationships, your career and your soul's work in the world.
In an airplane emergency you’re told to put your oxygen masks on first before helping others.
So too, you must take excellent care of yourself so that you can show up in your fullest.

Vision / Mission Coaching
Supporting you in dreaming into your true purpose, discovering and expressing your unique gifts and talents and living your passion.